Sunday, May 16, 2010

To Be A Part Of Something

To be a part of something means you share memories and expirences, with a limited number of people who you could have possibly gotton to know better over a period of time than your own parents. Even when times are tough, whether it be a really hard workout at an athletic practice or a huge test to study for you will always be a part of that team or that class with the ridiculusly hard teacher. And when you look back on those memories you know you shared them with people you can remember...and they can remember you. Being a part of something makes those hard times worth while...because you will forever be a part of that something, and that something no one can ever take away from you. Being a part of something gives you expirences and the oppurunity to meet new people, and share something much beyond special. So be a part of something, anything...its worth it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Embrace Who You Are...Not Someone Else.

It can be anything from siblings to bosses. We all attempt to live up to someone we admire. But in our thoughts of how to change ourselves in our long to be someone we see as better, we loose sight of our own accomplishments. We don't appricate ourselves and who we are because were so focused on imitating who we see as an ideal person. Take time to appricate yourself and everything you've done. I know this is really fruit cakey and dumb..but it works. Once you have seen what you've done, you will be more inspired to be your own person..and not constantly want to be someone else. Were all different, we have different skills, personalities etc. We need to embrace that.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


We all regret a thing or two...maybe more. But what we sometimes fail to realize is that life, though full of regrets is something that is meant to be lived. Regrets are a part of life. If we all looked back and saw perfection in every decsion we ever made, we have nothing to better ourselves with. Nothing to say "wow, ive come al long way since that" So in a way, regrets are a good thing. We are all flawed in one way or another..which is why we all regret something. But we as people want to go through life bettering ourselves in anyway possible. In that sense we need mistakes small or big that allow us to do so. Regrets, big or small.. make us better at being who we want to be.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Finding Your Thing

There is something in this world for everyone. It may take some and effort to find, but its out there. And though you may think that one thing is your thing, if comes to be that it shouldnt give up trying to find whats right for you. Even if you try and fail hundreds of times like I did, you can never give up hope that destiny will bring you to what you need to do. If you really want to do something, and you work very hard at it...then you will succeed, and you could very well say that is your calling. When people tell you that you cant do anything. Dont believe them. Its as simple as that, they are wrong. Everyone has something they are good at...whether its soccer, art or music...maybe its writing a blog about life. But there is one thing you should remember, never settle for anything. If you arent that good at something and you kindof hate it..then don't do it, despite what others tell you. In the end, your life is about for youself. You will find that one thing that you love more than anything and you want to devote all your time to...never loose hope that the thing you are looking for is out there, because it just have to keep looking.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Attempt to be Cool

We all attempt to be cool....whatever cool really is. In our search to be societies utlimate person we begin to loose sight of who we are and the people we truly care about. We attempt to mimic the things that "cool" people do. Maybe its drinking or pulling a prank on some helpless person. But most people don't bother realizing how they actually feel about what their doing because they think its correct in a sense. But just because someone you think is cool drinks for fun....doesnt mean you think its fun. If you like playing chess at sleep overs instead of playig ding-dong ditch... then play chess. And if the people your with don't get that... get some new people, at the end of the day we all need people who understand us. Conforming to what others what is a complete waste of time. If your with the people love, doing what you love...then your much cooler than the losers who do things they don't like with people they hate just so they can say they did something "cool". Never loose who you are to try and be someone else. Be who you are with the people you love and don't try to be anything else.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Goals are the one thing all people need to have. And without them we arent modivated. But with those goals we have to remember happiness. Its what makes us happy that gives us the true joy of things. Its fine to want to win a gymnastic olylimpic gold metal..but you have to remember that doing that first catwheel in your backyard was what made you want to persue your dreams. That happiness is what started it all. And even if you do recieve that olylimpic goal metal...doing a cartwheel in your backyard is what makes you happy no matter what. Sometimes we become so caught up in our goals we forget what orginally gave us a joy like no other. For me, it was the first time I ran a foot race...and now, everytime i step onto the track before a big meet..i remember that moment...the happiness i felt as i triumphently crossed the finish line for the first time. And if one day i win a gold metal...i won't forget that. Goals are important to have, but never forget the overwhelming happiness that started it all.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Doubting Yourself

Sometimes we doubt ourselfs more than we should. We fail to understand what were really capable of, we almost don't understand ourselves. In life there is no time to doubt urself...cause 9/10 times, you can achive whatever it is you striving just have to take the chance and dive in. Despite the people around you who tell you to think realistically or logically, you know what you can do better than anyone else. Also people have a tendency to not know how hard a person will work to reach their goals....and because of the "trusted" opinons around us we doubt ourselfs so much we forget who we are and what were made of. You. You can never forget who you are and what your made of. Ignore everyone around and reach your goals despite people or know who show it to the world...and never. never. doubt yourself.